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ADD_CONSTANT - org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifierType
adds a constant value to the droprate
ADD_MULTIPLE - org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifierType
adds a VALUE*droprate to the droprate.
ADD_MULTIPLE_PER_LEVEL - org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifierType
adds a value to the droprate where the value is a multiple of a provided effectiveness level.
apply(double) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifier
Apply the droprate modifier to the droprate value
applyDropRate() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Re-apply the current effective droproll and effective droprate values to make a new determination of the head drop's success.
applyModifiers() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Re-apply all droprate modifiers to the original droprate and recalculate the effective droprate.


BlockDropHeadEvent - Class in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
Event created by the PlayerHeads plugin when a block is broken by hand (mined) and dropping a head.
BlockDropHeadEvent(Block, ItemStack) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.BlockDropHeadEvent
Construct the event


com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api - package com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api
Package containing the PlayerHeads API specification


DropHeadEvent - Interface in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
Interface for events that drop a plugin-supported head.
DropRateModifier - Class in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers
A modifier for the droprate including type and value information
DropRateModifier(DropRateModifierType, double) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifier
Constructs a modifier of a given type and value
DropRateModifier(DropRateModifierType, double, int) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifier
Constructs a modifier with a value that is multiplied by a level of effectiveness
DropRateModifierType - Enum in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers
Indicates the type of modifier to the effective droprate.


equals(Object) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
Determine if this headtype is the same as another.


FakeBlockBreakEvent - Class in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
you should use SimulatedBlockBreakEvent in the Compatibility API instead, this class may be removed in the future
FakeBlockBreakEvent(Block, Player) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.FakeBlockBreakEvent
Constructs a simulated block break event


getAdditiveMultiplierValue() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifier
Converts the modifier into an equivalent add-multiple value where droprate*(1+newvalue) is equivalent to the current modifier effect.
getApiInstance() - Static method in class com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeads
Gets the instance of the PlayerHeads API
getBoringPlayerheadItem(int) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets a "boring" playerhead without an owner as if "dropboringplayerheads" was enabled.
getCause() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
The event which inevitably triggered the beheading event (usually EntityDeathEvent)
getCause() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
The event which inevitably triggered the beheading event (usually EntityDeathEvent)
getChargedCreeperModifier() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
use getModifier("chargedcreeper") instead
getCompatibilityProvider() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
You should use Compatibility.getProvider() from PlayerHeads-compatibility-api. Compatibility packages will be removed from PH-API in the future, but you may still access them if you use PlayerHeads-compatibility-api (or lib) as a dependency.
getCustomModifier(String, String) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Gets a custom (plugin-added) modifier to the head-roll event.
getCustomModifier(Plugin, String) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Gets a custom (plugin-added) modifier to the head-roll event.
getCustomModifierName(String, String) - Static method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Constructs the internal name of a custom droprate modifier, provided the name of the plugin and modifier.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
Gets the item displayname for the associated skulltype, as defined in the "lang" file.
getDrop() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.BlockDropHeadEvent
Gets the item that will drop from the mined block.
getDrop() - Method in interface org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.DropHeadEvent
Get the head/item being dropped from this event
getDrop() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Gets the item that will drop from the beheading.
getDrops() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Gets the items that will drop from the beheading.
getDropSuccess() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Whether the effective drop roll was determined to be a success.
getEffectiveDropRate() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Gets the configured droprate for the target as a fractional probability, after modification by looting and slime size modifier.
getEffectiveDropRoll() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Gets the effective drop roll value after modification by PlayerHeads.
getEntity() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Gets the entity that was beheaded
getEntity() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.PlayerDropHeadEvent
Gets the player that was beheaded.
getEntity() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Gets the entity that was beheaded
getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.BlockDropHeadEvent
Get a list of handlers for the event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Get a list of handlers for the event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Get a list of handlers for the event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Get a list of handlers for the event.
getHandlers() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.BlockDropHeadEvent
Get a list of handlers for the event.
getHandlers() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Get a list of handlers for the event.
getHandlers() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Get a list of handlers for the event.
getHandlers() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Get a list of handlers for the event.
getHeadDrop(Entity) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets a stack of head items as they would normally be dropped from the given entity.
getHeadFrom(BlockState) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets the type of head associated with the Block
getHeadFrom(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets the type of head associated with an itemstack.
getHeadItem(HeadType, int) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets a stack of head items for the given type and amount.
getHeadItem(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets the playerhead for the user provided.
getHeadItem(OfflinePlayer, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets the playerhead for the user provided.
getHeadOf(Entity) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets the type of head associated with an entity
getHeadOf(EntityType) - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
this may not do exactly what you want because between MC 1.10-1.13 many entities were separated from variants to their own entity-type. Using this method will introduce version-dependent behavior (For example: this may not be able to tell a stray from a skeleton in certain server versions) and should be avoided by using getHeadFrom(Entity) instead.
getImplementationDetails() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
Get the underlying bukkit implementation details for the head on this server version.
getKiller() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Get the Killer's entity that may have done the beheading.
getKillerAlwaysBeheads() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Gets whether the killer was configured to always behead this type of target.
getKillerEntity() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
The entity that is responsible for the beheading, as determined by PlayerHeads.
getKillerEntity() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
The entity that is responsible for the beheading, as determined by PlayerHeads.
getLevel() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifier
Gets the effectiveness level of the modifier.
getLootingModifier() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
use getModifier("looting") instead
getModifier(String) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Retrieve the value of a modifier of the effective droprate.
getModifiers() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Gets the list of modifiers to the effective droprate.
getMultiplierValue() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifier
Converts the modifier value to a multiplier (1.0=no effect) if possible.
getOriginalDropRate() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Gets the configured droprate for the target as a fractional probability, unmodified.
getOriginalDropRoll() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Gets the original PRNG-generated random value of the drop roll, uniform between 0 and 1 inclusively.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
Get the UUID associated with the skulltype (randomly assigned to it specifically).
getPlugin() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Get the main PlayerHeads Plugin instance
getSlimeModifier() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
use getModifier("slime") instead
getSupportedHeads() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Gets an array of all heads defined by PlayerHeads
getTarget() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Get the Target's entity that may have been beheaded
getTexture() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
Get the Base64-encoded texture string associated with the skulltype
getType() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifier
Gets the type of modifier
getValue() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifier
Returns the value or rate applied by the modifier
getVersion() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeadsAPI
Get the version of the PlayerHeads plugin in use


hashCode() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
HeadRollEvent - Class in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
Event created by PlayerHeads (4.9.2+) to indicate that a head dropchance roll has occurred and the success/failure has been determined.
HeadRollEvent(Entity, Entity, boolean, double, double) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Creates the Head dropchance event for PlayerHeads without precalculation, allowing for event-based recalculation.
HeadRollEvent(Entity, Entity, boolean, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Creates the Head dropchance event for PlayerHeads with values precalaculated by the plugin.
HeadRollEvent(Entity, Entity, boolean, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
HeadRollEvent(Entity, Entity, boolean, double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
HeadRollEvent(Entity, Entity, boolean, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
HeadType - Interface in com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api
Object representing the type of Head supported by PlayerHeads.


isCancelled() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.BlockDropHeadEvent
Whether the event has been cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Whether the event has been cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Whether the event has been cancelled.
isPlayerHead() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
Checks whether the skulltype uses a playerhead material internally.
isVanilla() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
Determines if a head of this type is implemented with a vanilla mob head or not [for the current server version].


LivingEntityDropHeadEvent - Class in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
Event created by the PlayerHeads plugin when a [living] entity is beheaded by PlayerHeads itself.


MobDropHeadEvent - Class in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
Event created by the PlayerHeads plugin when a Mob is beheaded.
MobDropHeadEvent(LivingEntity, ItemStack) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.MobDropHeadEvent
Constructs the event
MobDropHeadEvent(Event, LivingEntity, LivingEntity, ItemStack) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.MobDropHeadEvent
Constructs the event
MULTIPLY - org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifierType
Multiplies the droprate against a value.


NO_EFFECT - org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifierType
Performs no change to the droprate.


org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads - package org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads
Package defining api-compatible types for the main plugin classes
org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events - package org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
Defines events created by the PlayerHeads plugin, including beheadings.
org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers - package org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers
Defines droprate modifier values for HeadRollEvent


PlayerDropHeadEvent - Class in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
Event created by the PlayerHeads plugin when a Player is beheaded.
PlayerDropHeadEvent(Player, ItemStack) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.PlayerDropHeadEvent
Constructs the event
PlayerDropHeadEvent(Event, Player, LivingEntity, ItemStack) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.PlayerDropHeadEvent
Constructs the event
PlayerHeads - Class in com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api
PlayerHeads class for managing API provisions.
PlayerHeadsAPI - Interface in com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api
Interface for the PlayerHeads API.
PlayerHeadsPlugin - Interface in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads
Interface representing the PlayerHeads plugin class object


recalculateSuccess() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Re-apply all factors (droprate modifiers then effective values) to determine suuccess.
recalculateSuccess(boolean) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Re-apply all relevant factors (droprate modifiers then effective values) to determine suuccess.


SET_CONSTANT - org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifierType
Sets the droprate to a constant value, erasing changes by modifiers before it.
setApiInstance(PlayerHeadsAPI) - Static method in class com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.PlayerHeads
This method is intended only for internal PlayerHeads use.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.BlockDropHeadEvent
Sets whether the event should be cancelled.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Sets whether the event should be cancelled.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Sets whether the event should be cancelled.
setCustomModifier(Plugin, String, DropRateModifier) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Add or change a note about your custom modifier to the head-roll event.
setCustomModifier(Plugin, String, DropRateModifier, boolean) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Add or change a note about your custom modifier to the head-roll event.
setDrop(ItemStack) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.BlockDropHeadEvent
Sets the item that will drop from the mined block.
setDrop(ItemStack) - Method in interface org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.DropHeadEvent
Set the item dropped by the event.
setDrop(ItemStack) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.LivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Sets the item to drop for the beheading.
setDropSuccess(boolean) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Sets whether the drop roll should be considered a success.
setEffectiveDropRate(double) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
this value is very likely to be overwritten by other plugins (or applyModifiers/recalculateSuccess) - use setCustomModifier instead.
setEffectiveDropRoll(double) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Sets the effective droproll value for the event.
setModifier(String, DropRateModifier) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
using this method to modify existing modifiers should be avoided - use setCustomModifier to note new ones.
setModifiers(Map<String, DropRateModifier>) - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
using this method to modify existing modifiers should be avoided - use setCustomModifier to note new ones.
succeeded() - Method in class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.HeadRollEvent
Whether the effective drop roll was determined to be a success.


toEnum() - Method in interface com.github.crashdemons.playerheads.api.HeadType
Return the associated Enum value for the HeadType


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifierType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.modifiers.DropRateModifierType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent - Class in org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events
Event created by PlayerHeads when a [living] entity drops a head from a source outside of PlayerHeads.
VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent(Event, LivingEntity, LivingEntity, List<ItemStack>) - Constructor for class org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.events.VanillaLivingEntityDropHeadEvent
Creates the event
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